
Standard Slatwall Colors

Available in a standard grrove or the grrove can be protected weith a plastic insert or a aluminum insert. The aluminum insert will provide the bost stability when hanging heavier items.

Black Slatwall Paneling

Black Slatwall Paneling

Mainly installed in a more high end store. The color black can go with just about any other color store fixture.

White Slatwall Paneling

White Slatwall Paneling

Is more of a standard color Slatwall that matches the rest of the walles in most any store.

Almond Slatwall Paneling

Almond Slatwall Paneling

Matches the Gondola Shelving standard color of Madix Sahara or Lozier Platinum colors that are almost identicle.

Gray Slatwall Paneling

Gray Slatwall Paneling

Is a suttle color that will matche of co exist with any of the color fixtures in a store.

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